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Law and Mental Health: A Case-Based Approach
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"Combining landmark legal case analyses with fascinating historical background, the psychologist-authors take the reader behind the scenes and into the personal lives of the characters--far more colorful than fictional ones--who play various roles in the cases. This book is as gripping as it is instructive."--Thomas G. Gutheil, MD, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; Program in Psychiatry and the Law, Massachusetts Mental Health Center"Mental health clinicians must have a foundation of legal knowledge, whether working in general practice or directly engaged in forensic settings. The law can be intimidating and its jargon can be difficult for non-lawyers to grasp. Meyer and Weaver provide insight into legal rules and principles by telling the stories of important legal cases related to mental health. These well-chosen case narratives and the authors’ clear, insightful commentaries enable readers to reach a level of legal literacy critical to practice. This volume is a valuable resource for courses on mental health law, and practitioners will also benefit from reading these fascinating cases."/m-/Robert G. Madden, LCSW, JD, Department of Social Work, Saint Joseph College"Meyer and Weaver have authored a unique book, one that actually makes reading and reviewing case law both interesting and memorable. Landmark cases are described in sufficient detail in a style that is readable and, at times, humorous. Classic cases are included, along with more recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions. This important text is a 'must' for forensic psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers who conduct forensic mental health assessments; for those preparing for board certification examinations; and for advanced graduate students in psychology and law courses."--Alan M. Goldstein, PhD, board-certified forensic psychologist, Department of Psychology, John Jay College of Criminal Justice"Law and Mental Health is a comprehensive review of the major cases that define mental health law. Professionals and students will find this book to be of considerable value in understanding both how courts deal with mental health issues and how major cases have shaped the law."--Steven Smith, JD, California Western School of Law "This book has been a useful text for the Mental Health Law class in our clinical psychology graduate program. It offers a clear explication of the topic or content area, complemented by a review of applicable cases that highlights key points and brings the issues to life. Students have commented that they appreciate the use of the actual case material, as it adds a level of clarity and understanding beyond a presentation of the more didactic material. Because the authors are psychologists, they are able to discuss important issues in mental health law in a clear, coherent manner, without the legalese often found in more traditional texts. The organization of the book has allowed us to use selected chapters throughout the quarter, in a sequence that coincides with the course syllabus. We will no doubt continue to use this text in the future."--Ann Sauer, PhD, Clinical Psychology Program, Midwestern University"Enjoyable....The authors write about the legal concepts in an easy-to-understand and friendly fashion. The stories behind the legal cases provide vivid backdrops for the complex legal concepts presented....I would recommend this book to clinicians interested in legal concepts and precedents, as well as to those interested in the study of law and mental health issues." (Psychiatric Services 2005-12-17)"A remarkable book....One of the areas I found most impressive is Meyer and Weaver's coverage of topics and case law that no other books on forensic psychology really adequately address, such as hypnosis and polygraph, eyewitness testimony, and the status of case law regarding sexual orientation....This book is a gem. It is clearly written and coherent and provides a fascinating perspective on how case law informs clinical forensic practice....As a textbook, it will deepen and richen the understanding of major substantive issues in the law that may be covered by other books that go less into depth....It is also very valuable as a reference, even for advanced practitioners in the field." (PsycCRITIQUES 2005-12-17)
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About the Author
Robert G. Meyer, PhD, is a Full Professor of Psychology at the University of Louisville. He received his MA and PhD from Michigan State University, is board-certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology in both clinical and forensic psychology, and is a fellow in Divisions 12 (Clinical) and 41 (Law and Psychology) of the American Psychological Association. Dr. Meyer has published over 60 articles, 23 book chapters, and 14 books. He is past editor of the Bulletin of the American Academy of Forensic Psychology and a past-president of the Kentucky Psychological Association. He received the regional Grawemeyer Award (with Steven Smith) from the University of Louisville for innovative curriculum development for their course in law and psychology.Christopher M. Weaver, PhD, is currently a Research Fellow at the University of California/n-/San Francisco (funded by the National Institutes of Health). Dr. Weaver received his MA and PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Louisville, where his research focused on the assessment of psychopathy and recidivism risk in sex offenders. He received the Grawemeyer Fellowship Award for outstanding psychology research while at the University of Louisville, where he continues collaborative research with the Kentucky Department of Corrections. Dr. Weaver is coauthor (with Robert G. Meyer) of The Clinician's Handbook, Fifth Edition; has published and presented on sexual addiction, execution of offenders with mental retardation, and professional issues in forensic psychology; and was assistant editor of the Bulletin of the American Academy of Forensic Psychology.
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Product details
Hardcover: 394 pages
Publisher: The Guilford Press; 1 edition (December 15, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781593852214
ISBN-13: 978-1593852214
ASIN: 1593852215
Product Dimensions:
6.5 x 1.5 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
3.8 out of 5 stars
5 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#964,916 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
The intersection of law and mental health is--in my biased opinion--the coolest topic imaginable because it is where the rubber hits the road with these two epistemologically-divergent fields, each of which are trying to address the same underlying, core issue: problematic human behavior. The result of this intellectual tango between law and mental health are trailblazing legal decisions about real people with mental frailties, essentially representing the pulse of society's capacity to deal with its most vulnerable and exploitive members. Is there anything else more fascinating than that? I don't think so. Overall, this book kicks ass.Perhaps these skilled authors will eventually provide us with an update, since the knowledge base is constantly growing and morphing into something different.
A case-based approach textbook that provides informative literature pertaining to current and past laws surrounding the mental health field and mental illnesses.
i must say that i'm quit impressed as i received the package sent to my door...the moment i opened each page, it has enriched my knowledge of law even more sharp....i would recommend more people purchasing this book and find it helpful to understand the perspectives of law and psychology
Awesome used book...
It's a bit outdated.
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